Begin by Equipping Managers to Coach and Develop Employees

"Management is the most important capability an organization has. The manager's job is not to manage work, but to develop, coach, and help people." - Deloitte Newsletter

Gallup's studies emphasize that management practices are the key to building an engaged workforce. That's because...

  • Managers account for at least 70% of the variance in employee engagement.
  • 50% of employees who leave do so because of their manager.

How to Build a Thriving Organization

The Bottom Line...

Top-down, directive, command-and-control Work Cultures are what is causing disengagement and driving high turnover. Building a collaborative and empowering Work Culture will attract and retain the best managers and workers.

Work Culture shapes the meaning that people attach to their actions. It's how your employees experience working in your organization. Culture isn't something you define, post on the wall, and hope people will accept.

If you want to change your Work Culture, you need to transform
how everyone experiences working in your organization

Our Solution

We offer 3 Training Programs that equip managers, sales people, and employees with the mindset and skill set they need to coach and collaborate with others.

  • All 3 programs are delivered online, live, using ZOOM.
  • Each program is followed by a 6 week online Practicum that enables participants to practice and polish those skills.

Learning and using these skills enables you to build a Thriving Collaborative and Empowering Work Culture where employees are engaged, burnout is avoided, problems are solved, and change is effective managed.

Ongoing Support

24/7 access to a Platform that provides...

  • Team collaboration tools that transform meetings into productive learning sessions.
  • Process improvement tools that build a team’s self-management.
  • Hundreds of leadership development learning modules.
  • Collaborating with other leaders.
  • Virtual group coaching to accelerate learning and application.

Are you ready to explore how you can build and sustain a thriving organization